Thursday, December 10, 2009

Final Thoughts

First ~ I have more ideas for my paper...the paper that never ended...usually once I turn them in, I let it go, but this one just won't do that...must be because of how Nabokov, and this class have rearranged my brain...once you know something, you cannot go back to ignorance...even if you want to in order to stop the cascade of random discoveries and thoughts that keep popping up. I will not elaborate because I have too much other work to finish tonight...

Second ~ I loved the presentations today, especially Jon's and Aaron's poem was awesome! I am counting on other blogs for a complete, more detailed summary of today's presentations....

Third ~ As difficult and frustrating as Nabokov has been (and will continue to be) for me, I am glad I had the chance to experience him with Dr. Sexson and all my amazing, inspiring, and brilliant classmates.

Fourth ~ I am a little concerned about the final, particularly the "intimate religious sacrifice"? That is ominous sounding....

Fifth ~ The final will be 25 questions - primarily derived from the class blogs, presentations (group and individual) and the final papers (which should be in the blogs).

I am sure I will think of at least 3 or 4 more things to say as I am falling asleep tonight, but I think this is the end of the blogging for this class for me...

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